Nelo Vinuesa

Lighting Flash over the Hidden Cat, 2021

Oil, acrylic and charcoal on linen

76 49/64 x 51 3/16 in (195 x 130 cm)

Lightning Flash over the Hidden Cat by Nelo Vinuesa (b. 1980) is a striking oil on canvas that envelops the viewer in a visceral experience of color and movement. Born in the luminous embrace of Valencia, Spain, Vinuesa channels the vibrant intensity of Mediterranean light into his gestural language, sweeping across the canvas with a nearly tangible vigor. The painting’s large expanse becomes a stormy sea where colors clash and commingle, echoing the chaotic beauty of a lightning-struck sky. Vinuesa’s brushwork is charged with a raw energy that conveys not only motion but emotion, each stroke a bold declaration of his artistic intent. The gestural aspects of his work are reminiscent of the action painting of the mid-20th century, yet they pulse with a contemporary urgency that is all Vinuesa’s own.

In this abstract landscape, Vinuesa’s use of color is both a nod to the natural world and a departure from it. The deep reds and fiery oranges anchor the piece in the warmth of the earth, while the yellows and blues strike with the elemental power of sky and sea. This juxtaposition is not only visual but conceptual, as Vinuesa seems to explore the dichotomy between the known and the unknown, the seen and the unseen. The title itself, Lightning Flash over the Hidden Cat, suggests an interplay of illumination and obscurity, a fleeting glimpse into the concealed depths of the canvas. There is an inherent poetry in the way light, both a literal and metaphorical presence, serves to reveal just as much as it hides, lending the painting a sense of enigmatic allure.

The cultural associations Vinuesa draws upon are rich and multilayered, much like the textured surface of his work. One can sense the pulse of a culture steeped in the contrast of bright fiestas and dark siestas, the extremities of light and shadow that define the Mediterranean experience. Vinuesa’s abstract forms do not simply occupy space; they create it, carving out areas of tension and release that are as engaging as they are disorienting. Lightning Flash over the Hidden Cat is not just an image but a sensory journey, where each hue and line is a step deeper into the artist’s psyche—a place where the wild energy of nature and the vibrant spirit of Mediterranean life collide in an ecstatic dance of form and color.


The artist

Zeit Contemporary Art, New York

Acquired from the above in December 2021


Álvaro de los Ángeles. Nelo Vinuesa. Un Riu Salvatje. Riba-roja, Valencia: ECA, Espai d’Art Contemporani El Castell, 2021, p. 83 (illustrated in color).


Bryson Rand. Untitled (Brooklyn), 2014


Josep Renau. Las Arenas, 1932